Jada Kingdom's Swimsuit Photos Break The Internet

Jada Kingdom’ Swimsuit Photos Pull ‘Heavy’ Weight On Social Media

Jada Kingdom shows off her swimsuit physique, as she promotes her latest single, “Heavy”, on social media.

shows off her swimsuit physique, as she promotes her latest single, “Heavy,” on social media.

Taking to Instagram and Twitter, the Dancehall artiste shared several photos of herself sporting a blue and yellow swimsuit.

The images, which were apparently taken in Atlanta, Georgia, have since received +74K likes and +1,400 comments on the photo-sharing platform.

Many fans including 's Instagram account have expressed approval of Jada Kingdom's photos.

“HEABY! ??,” as quoted by the account handler of the “ADIADKING” deejay, while a fan stated, “Why?the hell this woman always afi so hot! ?❤️ Oiieee.. looking lie the Apple on my iPhone.”

The Jamaican singjay was promoting her new song, Heavy, which was scheduled to be released at midnight EST on Friday (Dec. 6).

“”HEAVY⚠️” OUT AT MIDNIGHT ‼️?” She commented on her post.

Many fans of the entertainer have expressed their support for the release of the song in the comments section.

“Jada.. I'm ready when you are,” one fan wrote.

“Ready fi heavy⚠️,” another added.

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