Vybz Kartel Claims Sean Paul and Shaggy Music Is Not Authentic Dancehall

Vybz Kartel Claims Shaggy & Sean Paul Do Not Create ‘Authentic Dancehall’ Music

Incarcerated deejay Vybz Kartel says fellow Jamaican artistes Shaggy and Sean Paul do not make ‘Authentic Dancehall’ music.

asserted that and do not create “authentic Dancehall” music.

The incarcerated deejay recently took to Instagram to express his unfiltered opinion on the fellow Dancehall musicians as he chimed in on the nationwide conversation in Jamaica about the preservation of Jamaican music following reports that Reggae is being replaced by Afrobeat on UK radio.

Vybz Kartel Says Sean Paul and Shaggy Music Is Not Authentic Dancehall
Photo credit: Reggae Sumfest

The “Any Weather” entertainer blasted critics who concluded that the newcomer deejays are to be blamed for Reggae's demise by creating mediocre production.

“Unuh buy music none at all or support ntn? S**k unuh mada a social media mek unuh tink unuh opinion matters … youths dictate what music is so stfu and go sort out unuh life unuh cyaa stop ntn,” the comment from Kartel's Instagram handler read.

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Vybz Kartel says Shaggy Music Is Not Authentic Dancehall
Photo credit: Billboard (Jonathan Mannion)

Vybz Kartel, in another comment, claimed that Shaggy and Sean Paul do not create “authentic Dancehall music.” His remark also suggested that the reason for Reggae's degradation is due to major labels not signing more local artistes.

“Shaggy or Sean Paul do “authentic dancehall”? No! but dem sell because major label de behind dem. If a major label de behind mackerel she sell gold or platinum a maanin so stfu and stop chat off unuh mouth cause unuh na buy music , s*ckunumma,” the Instagram handler of Vybz Kartel commented.

Screenshot - Vybz Kartel Says Sean Paul & Shaggy Do Not Make Authentic Dancehall Music
Screenshot: Instagram

The “Scorched Earth” deejay was responding to detractors of his outlook about the controversial topic on a post by Jamaican producer via Instagram.

Vybz Kartel's statement has since raised eyebrows of many music fans on whether or not Shaggy and Sean Paul actually put out authentic Dancehall music.

Vybz Kartel Says Sean Paul Music Is Not Authentic Dancehall
Photo credit: Billboard (Savannah Baker)

Jamaican music insiders have been weighing in on the issue that has dominated local entertainment news over the past weeks, with some blaming the current Dancehall artistes for lack of unity and unauthentic music while others condemn the radio stations. Many are also speculating that every segment of the industry all together has played its part in the disintegration of Jamaica's music.

Skatta Burrell joined the conversation, voicing that “Jamaican music has been on life support.” has played its part in the disintegration of Jamaica's music.

Billboard-charting producer , who became a household name as an integral part of Vybz Kartel's Portmore Empire, also voiced his thoughts on the topic, admitting that Jamaican music producers should play their “part in curving the sound of the music coming from Jamaica the hub of dancehall and reggae” and suggested that Jamaican musicians should unite to “put out authentic Dancehall sound.”

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